
image of Chantal Biert-Keiser

Nutritional Therapist, dip. ION

Chantal Biert, Nutritional Therapist, dip. ION (Institute for Optimum Nutrition, London) is the founder of Optinutrition™. She advises people on the subjects of nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle.
Originally a translator and language teacher, Chantal Biert-Keiser completed her studies in adult education at the Institute of Applied Psychology in Zürich. During the following years, she conducted communication and management seminars for major international companies. Her interest in nutrition started 15 years ago when her son was diagnosed with asthma, which was triggered by a dairy intolerance.


1985 Translator and Language Teacher Diplomas, Dolmetscherschule Zürich, DOZ
1995 B.A. in Training Development, Hochschule für Angewandte Psychologie, Zürich
1996 Master Practitioner in NLP Neuro Linguistisches Programmieren, London
1997 Diploma in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology, London
1999 Touch for Health Synthesis I-IV, Systemic Kinesiology, Zürich
2000 Brain Gym I and II, Educational Kinesiology, Zürich
2001 B.S. in Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy, ION, London
2002 Founder and Director of the consultancy firm Optinutrition™ , Zürich