nutrition, lifestyle, environment

Want to quit smoking but don’t know how? The following step-by-step guidelines will give you everything you need to give it a comfortable and successful go!

You already know that smoking is detrimental to your health. But what makes smoking such a difficult habit to break? NICOTINE. The primary stimulant in cigarettes, nicotine is more addictive than heroin, producing great effects in small doses: it can pick you up or calm you down, it can curb your appetite and it can stop you feeling drowsy. UNFORTUNATELY, to achieve these effects, Nicotine plays with your blood sugar, your hormones, and your brain chemicals.

FORTUNATELY, there is a permanent way out. Once you’ve closed that smoky door behind you, you’re free, healthy, full of life and energy ... Oh, and you don’t have to worry about gaining weight either, because the way you’re quitting balances your blood sugar levels so you won’t develop a sweet tooth ... >>>

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