
Phase 3: Now you’re ready to reduce your nicotine load. Every week, change to a brand that contains less nicotine until you reach one that contains no more than 2 mg. Once you’ve done this, reduce to 5 cigarettes/day. Whenever you feel a craving, have a apple or a pear to balance your blood sugar (that’s what your cigarette was doing). Regular exercise also helps, so start jogging or join your local gym.

Phase 4: You can quit now! Tell all your family, friends and colleagues to get their support. Your healthy diet and nutritional programme is most vital during this last month. The withdrawal symptoms you may feel are fatigue and irritability because there is no more nicotine stimulating your adrenal glands and brain chemistry. Assuming you have followed all the above steps, these will last no longer than a week. Congratulations!!! >>>

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